When Does Killing Stalking Update

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Manhwa has been in the anime/manga community for quite some time but we rarely see BL manhwa made or translated into English. Today, however, BL manhwa are getting recognized. Especially so, now that online publishers such as Line Webtoon and Lezhin are introducing tons of great manhwa that English readers can enjoy.

After all, the feel of reading a manga from a manhwa is very different because of the different cultures between the two countries.One particular BL manhwa that has gained a lot of attention is Koogi’s Killing Stalking. This manhwa won first prize in the second Lezhin Comics World Contest and became popular because of its dark and disturbing themes. The story revolves around Yoon Bum who is very obsessed with his former military classmate, Oh Sangwoo. He decides to enter Sangwoo’s house while the man is away, only to find a woman imprisoned at Sangwoo’s basement.

Before he can fully gauge the situation he’s in, Yoon Bum is attacked and held captive by his beloved Sangwoo.Despite the sexual chemistry between Sangwoo and Bum, Killing Stalking is obviously not a romance. Their relationship is very manipulative, unhealthy, and you bet that the 6 other manga/manhwa that we will list here will be to your liking! Jin Seon is usually bullied and ignored in his school. He may seem like your normal gloomy high school boy, but in reality, he is the son of a famous unknown serial killer. He is an accomplice in his father’s twisted deeds, luring unsuspecting victims to his father. Will he be able to escape his fate?

Or will he end up like his father?Don’t let the art deter you from this manhwa! Bastard and Killing Stalking are different in terms of their main genre and their premise, but if you want something that is thrilling, dark, and twisted, then give this manhwa a read! In this manhwa, readers will be able to see what goes on in a killer’s mind just like how readers are allowed to see some glimpses of Sangwoo’s way of thinking.

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Also, both manhwa showcase the abusive cycle within the family. Sangwoo is abusive because of his late abusive father, which reflects Jin in a way, as he is mentally abused by his serial killer father. Bastard is a rather long read, but it’ll fill up your free time while waiting for other manga/manhwa in your reading list to update. Ha Gyeongsoo is extremely happy when his love confession was reciprocated by his crush Choi Yul. Everything in their relationship is going smoothly, making Gyeongsoo believe that all that is happening to him is only but a sweet dream.

To his dismay, he was right. The things that he shares with Yul were all lies when he wakes up one day in a room surrounded by Yul’s friends intending to rape him. The incident greatly traumatizes him and he runs away to a place where Yul will never find him.

He recovers overtime when he befriends Kang Dong Hyuk. Still, his past haunts him when he is reunited once again with his former love, Choi Yul.Same with Sangwoo and Bum, the bond between Gyeongsoo and Yul centers on manipulation and deception. Yul also mirrors Sangwoo in terms of personality. Both characters have this friendly mask that they only wear in front of other people, but in reality, they are cold and ruthless. They use their sweet charming personality to fool everyone and manipulate their victims, Bum and Gyeongsoo.Although Bum and Gyeongsoo are in the same circumstances of being held imprisoned by their captors, Gyeongsoo is more of a fighter than Bum. Though, as you get deeper and deeper into the manhwa, you will find a more unstable Gyeongsoo, much like how Bum is, because of the constant sexual torture that he is enduring.

He begins to get confused more often and is ready to do anything to avoid the pain that will be inflicted on him by Yul or his psychotic brother. Hogu Hagyeongsu may put off some readers because of it’s disturbing content, but if you can handle that, then this manhwa is something you may want to try. Kim Dohyun is your average man who is struggling to make ends meet when he is suddenly kidnapped by an unknown man.

He does not understand his captor’s motive, but being with the guy makes him remember the unclear memories of his high school days. The captor seems to know him, insisting that he remember the past. But no matter how much Dohyun tries to remember, he does not know the suspicious man that imprisons him.The biggest similarity between Killing Stalking and Warehouse is that Dohyun and Bum were confined by their respective captors. However, the only difference is how they were brought to that kind of situation. As said in the beginning, Bum was locked up by Sangwoo after he trespassed in Sangwoo’s house, on the other hand, Dohyun was kidnapped by Sungho.Sexual tension is also present in both manhwa. Sangwoo and Bum may not have done it yet, but Dohyun and Sungho have done it countless of times. Of course, we’re talking about a twisted manhwa here, so yeah, everything that happened to Dohyun is non-consensual.

Mostly, Dohyun is sexually abused, unlike Bum who is abused by Sangwoo in many different ways. Also, if we are going to compare Sangwoo and Sungho, both are indeed crazy in the head. You don’t know what is going in their minds and they are very unpredictable. Until now, there are still a lot of unanswered questions in this manhwa.

Killing Stalking Manga


If you enjoy something that will pique your interest in a twisted way, then Warehouse will not disappoint. Bothers Tsubaki Hyou and Setsu are very different in many ways.

They try to live their simple life together despite the hardships of living without their parents. Hyou works at part-time jobs in order to provide for his and Setsu needs. Although he tries his best to take care of his little brother, he cannot help but enjoy hurting Setsu physically and mentally.

As for Setsu, despite the fact that he is covered in bruises, he is happy to be with his older brother. The story simply shows the bond between these two brothers.Abuse and manipulation are the prominent similarity between Camellia and Killing Stalking.

Just like Sangwoo, Hyou and Setsu are regularly abused by their father. Though, Hyou is more abused physically while Setsu is abused mentally. For Sangwoo, Hyou, and Setsu, their source of salvation are their mothers, who are also abused by their father. Sangwoo and Hyou also mirror each other in a way because both of them also become abusive like their fathers, whom they hated the most.Not only that, Hyou and Setsu have this codependent relationship like Sangwoo and Bum have. Setsu and Bum think poorly of themselves and have this false, twisted image of love that they have for Hyou and Sangwoo. Though they are abused in many ways and are scared because of it, Setsu and Bum will do anything for Hyou and Sangwoo. Meanwhile, Sangwoo and Hyou enjoy the attention given to them by Setsu and Bum.

They enjoy seeing them get hurt and humiliated. Sangwoo and Hyou may look at Setsu and Bum as mere dirt, but they sometimes have this sense of over-protectiveness towards their willing victims.

Camellia may look cute and sweet because of the vibe it gives off, but it does not romanticize abuse in any way. If you are okay with the disturbing content that this manga has, then give this a read!

The story takes place during the Showa Era in Japan. Touma Ikurou’s father died and many expect him to be as great as his father. However, Ikurou’s father didn’t leave him a single dime and gave all the fortune to his older brother, Touma Ranzou. Although he does not want Ranzou near him, as he detests the fact that Ranzou is favored by their father, Ikurou has no choice but to take care for his older brother as he is the only family that he’s got.Again, abuse and manipulation play a key role in this manga. Much like in our last selection, Ikurou and Ranzou are abused and manipulated by their parents and Norihiko.

It is implied that Ranzou was sexually abused by his father and was almost killed by his mother. Meanwhile, Ikurou is hated by his father and feels caged because of his mother’s unusual over-protectiveness. Norihiko seems to be his only ally, but even with that, it is very obvious that Norihiko loves to see Ikurou break and fall into depravity.Because of their unhealthy environment, these two innocent children grow up to be unstable.

Ranzou, acts more like a child, despite being a 27 year old man. In regards to Ikurou, he becomes too dependent on Norihiko and even abuses Ranzou. The overall story may not be the same as Killing Stalking, but if you want something dark and twisted, then Tourou no Ori is for you! Also, if you want more twisted manga to read, then check out this author’s work as it is truly amazing. Dead Tube is a website much like YouTube. It hosts a lot of videos about disturbing things like rape or murder. The more views you have on your videos, the more money you have.

But once you post a video that does not interest anyone, then you must be prepared to face the dreadful consequences. The story follows Machiya Tomohiro as he unknowingly participates in the deadly game of Dead Tube when Mashiro Mai invited him to film their entry for the website.

She announces that they won, but for Machiya, it is not enough. He wants to create a more amazing film than he did with his partner last time, and Mashiro intends to help him with it.Hold up! We know this not BL; but despite that, this manga has a lot of similarities with Killing Stalking.

When does killing stalking update youtube

Like Sangwoo, Mashiro killed her family for reasons that are not revealed yet (though, we cannot say the same about Sangwoo’s mother). Both characters enjoy killing and have this sweet facade when they are with other people. They usually like to manipulate and drag Bum and Machiya into their mess, making them show who they really are inside. Though, unlike Machiya, who seems to start accepting his darker side, Bum is still quite in denial and Sangwoo enjoys the confusion in his victim’s eyes. Both manga/manhwa are gory and deal with serial killers. We do admit that there are times that Dead Tube is a bit over-the-top but we assure you that the thrilling ride you experienced with Killing Stalking is the same as with Dead Tube. Killing Stalking is really an intriguing read.

However, one must also remember that these two characters are unstable and have an unhealthy relationship. Killing Stalking, along with these six listed manga/manhwa titles, do not condone abuse, and they even show that it is never good to hurt or manipulate someone.If you're looking for more twisted manga to read, then read the works of Sadahiro Mika, Paraiso Harada, Ogawa Chise, Nakamura Asumiko, Motoni Modoru, and Nishin Masumi. We also recommend you to read In These Words and Shoshitsu DJ- D no Satsujinsha, as they are also very similar to Killing Stalking.So what are other manga/manhwa titles that you could add on this list? Have you read some of them already?

Tell us what you think in the comment section below. As always, Remember to stay tuned to Honey’s Anime and see you in the next article! Bye Now Signing off!