Half Life Walkthrough Surface Tension

Posted by admin

I'm up to the level titled Surface Tension and I seem to be stuck by this stupid ai glitch. I'm gonna explain at what part of the level I'm up to if that can be of help to anyone and to explain what is happening. I'm up to the part where you must use a security guard in order to gain access to the doors.

He opens the first door but he won't follow me to the other keypad where I assume he needs to be used again. Another strange thing that happened that could be a cause for this glitch is that the door he opened heals you. When I run into the door it can bring my health up to 250 and I regen health when I get hurt. Anyone think they can help me out with this. If anoyone has a potential fix please state your solutions here because my last manual save is pretty early in the game and I don't want to restart from the begining. So far the things I tried to fix this is restarting the level which seems to work but themain problem here is that i lose my hihd and weapons and i tried using console to restore them but it doesnt seem to work. I'm up to the level titled Surface Tension and I seem to be stuck by this stupid ai glitch.

Half-life On A Rail Walkthrough

I'm gonna explain at what part of the level I'm up to if that can be of help to anyone and to explain what is happening. I'm up to the part where you must use a security guard in order to gain access to the doors. He opens the first door but he won't follow me to the other keypad where I assume he needs to be used again. Another strange thing that happened that could be a cause for this glitch is that the door he opened heals you.

When I run into the door it can bring my health up to 250 and I regen health when I get hurt. Anyone think they can help me out with this. If anoyone has a potential fix please state your solutions here because my last manual save is pretty early in the game and I don't want to restart from the begining. So far the things I tried to fix this is restarting the level which seems to work but themain problem here is that i lose my hihd and weapons and i tried using console to restore them but it doesnt seem to work. ContaminatedYour explanation is a bit vague.

Did you just go through the building with the explosives and tripwires, down the elevator? Then through a tunnel back outside, you see a few alien grunts being dropped off on a road, just before a plane comes in and bombs them? Around that place there's a security guard in a building. He opens a door to a room with supplies. Are you talking about that security guard or are you talking about another one?

You don't necessarily have to guide him anywhere. In the alley you go up the ladders to the roof and then through the ruined buildings to the helipad. Go through the helipad until you find a tunnel that leads you back to the alley. Don't go into the tunnel. On the side of the tunnel are a few boxes. Jump up ontop of the boxes to get ontop of the tunnel, where you will find a big cannon. Use the cannon to blow up the big door at the helipad, then go through the blown up door.About the bugs.

I'm guessing you are using the old retail version, right? I think they fixed that bug in the latest Steam version of the game.

Thanks for the respone but im actually before that part. Look i see no way in fixing this and in trying so lost all my saves so im just gonna stop playing for know and continue again some other time in the future. Or i might just wait for black mesa source and play that, this sucks either way i have always been a console gamer and when i finally get a gaming rig i always wanted to play games like these that defined the genre and the platform and only to be stoped by some stupid glitch.

Im just paranoid if it happens the next time i continue playing. Thanks for the respone but im actually before that part. Look i see no way in fixing this and in trying so lost all my saves so im just gonna stop playing for know and continue again some other time in the future.

Half Life Walkthrough Surface Tension Table

Or i might just wait for black mesa source and play that, this sucks either way i have always been a console gamer and when i finally get a gaming rig i always wanted to play games like these that defined the genre and the platform and only to be stoped by some stupid glitch. Im just paranoid not if it happens the next time i pick this game up.

Contaminatedit will happen again i have the same problem with mine XD. And to note if u always wanted half-life play the second one or painkiller you will have the time of your life with a glitch free experience.

I'm up to the level titled Surface Tension and I seem to be stuck by this stupid ai glitch. I'm gonna explain at what part of the level I'm up to if that can be of help to anyone and to explain what is happening. I'm up to the part where you must use a security guard in order to gain access to the doors. He opens the first door but he won't follow me to the other keypad where I assume he needs to be used again.

Another strange thing that happened that could be a cause for this glitch is that the door he opened heals you. When I run into the door it can bring my health up to 250 and I regen health when I get hurt. Anyone think they can help me out with this. If anoyone has a potential fix please state your solutions here because my last manual save is pretty early in the game and I don't want to restart from the begining.

So far the things I tried to fix this is restarting the level which seems to work but themain problem here is that i lose my hihd and weapons and i tried using console to restore them but it doesnt seem to work. Contaminatedyour computer is trying to tell you something - please listen to it and play another (better) game.

A deadly airborne virus has infected Earth, but Glomovine, the only known cure, would not survive the six-week voyage unless LYNX corporation offered to use its jumpgate network. A lone mercenary, aided by a probe with an attitude, a scientist and his daughter, is exploring one of five worlds trying to find out why LYNX refused to save Earth and how to create another jumpgate before it's too late. There are missions to undertake, allies to make and enemies to fight; but time is of the essence.Release Date: Release Date N/ADeveloper: GameTek.

Surface tension is a contractive tendency of the surface of a liquid that allows it to resist an external force. Surface tension is an important property that markedly influences the ecosystem. Surface tension is exposed, for example, any time an object or insect (e.g. Water striders) that is denser than water is able to float or run along the water surface.At liquid-air interfaces, surface tension results from the greater attraction of water molecules to each other (due to cohesion) than to the molecules in the air (due to adhesion). The net effect is an inward force at its surface that causes water to behave as if its surface were covered with a stretched elastic membrane. Because of the relatively high attraction of water molecules for each other, water has a high surface tension (72.8 millinewtons per meter at 20°C) compared to that of most other liquids.


Surface tension is an important factor in the phenomenon of capillarity.Surface tension has the dimension of force per unit length, or of energy per unit area. The two are equivalentut when referring to energy per unit of area, people use the term surface energyhich is a more general term in the sense that it applies also to solids and not just liquids. What is difference between surface tension & buoyant forceSurface Tension, condition existing at the free surface of a liquid, resembling the properties of an elastic skin under tension. The tension is the result of intermolecular forces exerting an unbalanced inward pull on the individual surface molecules; this is reflected in the considerable curvature at those edges where the liquid is in contact with the wall of a vessel.

More specifically, the tension is the force per unit length of any straight line on the liquid surface that the surface layers on the opposite sides of the line exert upon each other. See Cohesion. The tendency of any liquid surface is to become as small as possible as a result of this tension, as in the case of mercury, which forms an almost round ball when a small quantity is placed on a horizontal surface. The near-perfect spherical shape of a soap bubble, which is the result of the distribution of tension on the thin film of soap, is another example of this force; surface tension alone can support a needle placed horizontally on a water surface. See also Capillary Action.

Surface tension is important at zero gravity, as in space flight: Liquids cannot be stored in open containers because they run up the vessel walls. Bouyancy is all about displacement. Whats is surface tension?!?!?!On the top of a liquid, e.g. Water, there appears to be a barrier to objects breaking the surface because the atoms form polar bonds with each other (as if they were holding hands). This can allow some insects like water skaters to skim the surface without going through. Surface tension also causes the liquid to rise up the side of its vessel slightly, rather than meet it at right angles. Another way, in addition to watching water skaters, to observe the effect of surface tension, is by a simple experiment.

Fill a glass, almost to the top, with water. Set the glass where eye-level observation is easy. Add water slowly and carefully to the glass until the water bulges above the rim of the glass, but does not run over the rim.

That bulge is caused by surface tension, and surface tension prevents the water from running over the rim. Why does soap reduce the surface tension of water?' The surface tension of a liquid is defined as the energy required to break through the surface. Liquids in which there are strong molecular interactions, such as water, typically have high surface tensions.

Surface tension accounts for the spherical shape of liquid drops. The surface molecules of a liquid are pulled sideways, but attractions from underneath also pull them down into the liquid. This pulling of surface molecules into the liquid causes the surface to contract and become as small as possible. Guess which geometrical shape has the least surface for a given volume? That's right-a sphere. So we see why raindrops, drops of oil, and falling drops of molten metal are all spherical.

The surface tension of water is dramatically reduced by the addition of soap or detergent. Soap or detergent molecules tend to aggregate at the surface of the water, where their non-polar tails stick out away from the water. At the surface, these molecules interfere with the dipole-dipole interactions among water molecules, thereby reducing surface tension, often as much as 90 percent.' I hope this helps.

Fallout 4 tunnel snakes mod. General explaination for surface tension n viscosity.Surface tension is a property of the surface of a liquid that allows it to resist an external force. On the top of a liquid, e.g. Water, there appears to be a barrier to objects breaking the surface because the atoms form polar bonds with each other (as if they were holding hands). This can allow some insects like water skaters to skim the surface without going through.

Surface tension also causes the liquid to rise up the side of its vessel slightly, rather than meet it at right angles. Viscosity is a fluid's resistance to flow.

Half-life Walkthrough Surface Tension

Fluids becomes less viscous as the liquid's temperature increases, becoming more viscous as the fluid gets cooler. A viscous fluid is sticky, thick and syrupy to a greater or lesser extent. Examples: Treacle is quite viscous, but water is not. Hot engine oil is less viscous ('thinner') and runs more quickly and smoothly than cold engine oil.

And/or what is good about surface tensionWith surface tension and a little bit of soap or other chemical added to help stablize the bubbles, we can make foam. Examples of applications of foam products: 1. To extingush gasoline and oil fires the fire department will spread this over a fire and it remains on top of the substance robbing it of oxygen thus putting out the flames. Airplanes that have mechanical problems with their landing gear often use a foam spread on the runway to prevent ignition of the av-fuel/ jet fuel 2. This surface tension is used to make whipping cream in cooking. Also merangue. Insulating foams also can be shot into confined spaces and then expand filling the cavity with foam.

When hardens gives an excellent R-value per inch. Structural styrofoam for boyancy, surfboards, boogie boards. All of these rely on surface tension to maintain their structure in the curing process and use cycle.

We use it in making the latest breed of airplane construction. Shape it and cover with kevlar, the resulting structure is stronger than steel. These are a few examples of its practical use of surface tension. Surface tension is a measure of the extra energy that keeps a substance together at an edge when it is in a liquid form. Molecules of a substance form a network, a matrix, of attachments, even in liquids, although in liquids the molecules in the matrix are moving around and changing place relatively rapidly (this differs from a solid, where the molecules exchange place only slowly). The molecules stay together because the association with other like molecules creates a more stable energy condition. At the edge (the surface), the molecules are faced with an absence of the full network in one direction, and this causes a rise in the amount of attachment energy that is oriented along the interface (the part of the molecule facing outward into something else directs part of its attraction to the side; nothing out there is satisfying its need to be electrochemically joined so it seeks like molecules where they can be found).

Basically, surface tension is a measure of the amount of energy that is involved in this displaced bonding. It is weaker than the principal bonding energy, but stronger than no bonding (which is the choice faced by part of the molecule at the surface). To break the surface, one has to move the molecules at the surface, and this requires that extra bonding to be broken. It is fairly easy for most liquids to disrupt this slight excess stability of energy, but it is not a zero energy change. In a sense, solids also have surface tension. We just do not call it that because the bond strengths are so strong and the energy requirements for moving an individual molecule are so high that you need to actually break the primary bonds to disrupt the surface in a solid. The primary bonds in a liquid are less powerful and the energy of the system is already so high that little energy is required to move a molecule or atom out of its established position; the molecules are already very close to moving on their own.

I want to know which field it is realted to.Surface tension is a property of the surface of a liquid that causes it to behave as an elastic sheet. It allows insects, such as the water strider (pond skater, UK), to walk on water. It allows small objects, even metal ones such as needles, razor blades, or foil fragments, to float on the surface of water, and it is the cause of capillary action.

The physical and chemical behavior of liquids cannot be understood without taking surface tension into account. It governs the shape that small masses of liquid can assume and the degree of contact a liquid can make with another substance. Applying Newtonian physics to the forces that arise due to surface tension accurately predicts many liquid behaviors that are so commonplace that most people take them for granted.

Applying thermodynamics to those same forces further predicts other more subtle liquid behaviors. CAUSE Surface tension is caused by the attraction between the molecules of the liquid by various intermolecular forces. In the bulk of the liquid each molecule is pulled equally in all directions by neighboring liquid molecules, resulting in a net force of zero. At the surface of the liquid, the molecules are pulled inwards by other molecules deeper inside the liquid and are not attracted as intensely by the molecules in the neighbouring medium (be it vacuum, air or another liquid). Therefore all of the molecules at the surface are subject to an inward force of molecular attraction which can be balanced only by the resistance of the liquid to compression. This inward pull tends to diminish the surface area, and in this respect a liquid surface resembles a stretched elastic membrane. Thus the liquid squeezes itself together until it has the locally lowest surface area possible.

Another way to view it is that a molecule in contact with a neighbor is in a lower state of energy than if it weren't in contact with a neighbor. The interior molecules all have as many neighbors as they can possibly have. But the boundary molecules have fewer neighbors than interior molecules and are therefore in a higher state of energy.

For the liquid to minimize its energy state, it must minimize its number of boundary molecules and must therefore minimize its surface area.12 As a result of surface area minimization, a surface will assume the smoothest shape it can (mathematical proof that 'smooth' shapes minimize surface area relies on use of the Euler-Lagrange Equation). Since any curvature in the surface shape results in greater area, a higher energy will also result. Consequently the surface will push back against any curvature in much the same way as a ball pushed uphill will push back to minimize its gravitational potential energy.


EFFECTS IN EVERYDAY LIFE Some examples of the effects of surface tension seen with ordinary water: Beading of rain water on the surface of a waxed automobile. Water adheres weakly to wax and strongly to itself, so water clusters into drops. Surface tension gives them their near-spherical shape, because a sphere has the smallest possible surface area to volume ratio. Formation of drops occurs when a mass of liquid is stretched. The animation shows water adhering to the faucet gaining mass until it is stretched to a point where the surface tension can no longer bind it to the faucet.

It then separates and surface tension forms the drop into a sphere. If a stream of water were running from the faucet, the stream would break up into drops during its fall. Gravity stretches the stream, then surface tension pinches it into spheres.3 Floatation of objects denser than water occurs when the object is nonwettable and its weight is small enough to be born by the forces arising from surface tension.2 Separation of oil and water is caused by a tension in the surface between dissimilar liquids.

This type of surface tension goes by the name 'interface tension', but its physics are the same. Tears of wine is the formation of drops and rivulets on the side of a glass containing an alcoholic beverage. Its cause is a complex interaction between the differing surface tensions of water and ethanol. Surface tension is visible in other common phenomena, especially when certain substances, surfactants, are used to decrease it: Soap bubbles have very large surface areas with very little bulk. Bubbles in pure water are unstable. The use of surfactants, though, indroduce a stabilization effect to bubble (see Marangoni effect).

Notice that surfactants actually reduce the surface tension of water by a factor of three or more. Emulsions are a type of solution in which surface tension plays a role.

Tiny fragments of oil suspended in pure water will spontaneously assemble themselves into much larger masses. But the presence of a surfactant provides a decrease in surface tension, which permits stability of minute droplets of oil in the bulk of water (or vice versa).


I think this will help u better.