Puzzle And Dragons Holy Dragon

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I recently passed my 500th day on Puzzle and Dragons and I just can't stop.:DFor those of you not sure what Puzzle and Dragons is,. It's a puzzle based Pokemon-ish battle game in which you build teams of monsters and take on dungeons. It's available on iProducts, Android and Kindle Fire, and totally free to download. The game can have a very steep learning curve - as a beginner I made loads of mistakes and didn't understand many of the concepts, so I really hope this beginner's guide will help you guys avoid some of the same problems I had!The best thing about Puzzle and Dragons is that the dungeons are constantly changing and the monsters are frequently updated with new evolutions, so there's always a goal to work towards. If you get burned out, it's easy to get excited the next week when there's a special event going on and a chance to get monsters you need and want!There are two major ways Puzzle and Dragons is played - using in app purchases (IAP player), and not using in app purchases (non-IAP player). I am writing this primarily for non-IAP players, since I tend to lean that way when playing the game and I think it makes it more fun.:).

Since PAD is a super involved game, I thought I'd include a nice intro to some of the lingo used in the game to make it easier to understand what in the world I'm talking about here.:DATK/Attack: A monster's attack power.Awoken Skill/Awakening: Some monsters have awoken skills can be activated through using a TAMADRA. You also have a chance to activate these skills by fusing them with a monster that has the same skill, but it is not guaranteed.

These skills are represented by tiny boxes to the right of the monster on their info screen.Best Friend: You can choose a player to become best friends with. You'll be able to see three of their leaders at all times and receive 100 Pal Points every day when you use them.Evolution/Evo Fusion: The process of evolving a monster into a more powerful monster using evo materials.Evolution materials: Monsters that are used exclusively to evolve monsters.Experience: Used to rank up - received after completing a dungeon level.

Amount of experience received varies for each level and also according to player rank and how well you do.Friend slots/Friend leader: Once you've ranked up enough, you'll have 50 friend slots to add compatible leader monsters into. You always want to pick friends with compatible monsters and skills. Using friend leaders gives you Pal Points.Gold Egg: The rarest of eggs.HP/Health Points: A monster's life points - these are added together across the entire team to give you total HP.Leader skill: The monster you equip into a leader slot on your team will be able to use its Leader Skill. Skills vary widely and will also change during evolutions.Magic Stones: Special items that can be used to increase monster box capacity or number of friend slots, recover stamina, continue in dungeons after defeat, and buy special monsters from the Rare Egg Machine.Monster: The creatures you assemble teams out of and use to fight your battles. As of the writing of this instructable, there are over 2100 monsters in the US version of PAD.PAD: The shortened named of Puzzles and Dragons.Pal Egg Machine: An egg machine that will allow you to roll for a monster for 500 Pal Points. Sometimes this machine comes in special versions that offer limited time monsters for 1000 Pal Points a piece.Pal Points: Given to the player for choosing a friend leader when entering dungeons. Players on your current friend list will give you 10 pal points.

Players not on your friend list will give you 5 stamina. Once you've used a friend's monster, you can't get more Pal Points from them that day.500 Pal Points allow you to roll the Pal Egg Machine.

Pal Points are also given during special events, up to 1000 Pal Points a day. You can only hold 20,000 Pal Points at any given time.Player Rank: A player's level. Increases as you gain experience.Plus Eggs: Some monsters drop with a yellow + on the egg. Each plus egg monster will give you +10 points for HP, ATK, or RCV. These eggs can be used to increase a monster's stats up to +97 for HP/ATK/RCV.Silver Egg: Contain rare monsters, though they're not as desirable as gold eggs.Skill: Nearly all monsters have a skill that they can use in battle. Each skill requires a certain number of turns to have passed before the skill can be used.

You can decrease the numbers of turns that have to pass by fusing the monster with a monster of the same type or one with the same skill.Skill Up: Successfully fusing two monsters with the same skill can result in lowering the number of turns that must pass before you can use the skill.Stamina: Stamina increases along with Player Rank and allows you to enter dungeons. As of this writing, American players gain 1 stamina point every 3 minutes.Stamina Overflow: A new-ish feature that allows you to hold more than your maximum stamina if you use a magic stone to restore it.Star Egg: The lowest of the rare eggs. Very common monsters.Rank: The player's level. The higher your rank, the more stamina, friends slots, teams and team cost you have.Rare Egg Machine: An egg machine that requires 5 magic stones to use it one time. The Rare Egg Machine gives you a random monster with a rarity of 3-7 stars.Rarity: Each monster has a rarity associated with it - rarity is marked by the number of stars a monster has next to its name.

Rarity scales from 1 star to 8 stars. The higher the stars/rarity, the more valuable the monster in most cases.RCV/Recovery: RCV controls how much health you get for matching heart orbs.Team: Your monster team consists of one leader and four other monsters, as well as a friend leader. Teams come in many different flavors, including mono-color, mutli-color, healer, devil, spike, etc. You want to build teams around different types of monsters and leader skills.You have slots for five teams when you start the game.Team Cost: The total cost of all monsters on your team.

When you first start PAD, you'll be asked to choose from three dragons (much like Pokemon!).These are not super important - chances are your starter dragon will get retired almost immediately. I chose a just because he was super cute.During the tutorial that follows, you'll also get a chance to roll the Rare Egg Machine with the magic stones you earn in the tutorial.

This is your chance to get an amazing leader monster! Stamina:Each dungeon you enter requires stamina. Stamina will vary quite a bit - typically the harder the dungeon, the more stamina it requires!

The minimum stamina a dungeon requires is 3 - the very beginning will range from 3-5 stamina for each level. The max stamina I've seen a dungeon require is 99.American players currently gain 1 stamina point every 3 minutes.Stamina can be completely restored by using a Magic Stone or increasing your Player Rank.Experience:Each dungeon level you complete will give you experience and coins at the end. You can see a complete list of the dungeons and the experience they give you on these pages:.This experience will allow you to increase your Player Rank. On the next step, I'll tell you how to rank up in the most efficient ways.:)Player RankYour Player Rank will be the biggest limiting factor for you at the beginning of the game. When you first start the game, you'll only have 20 stamina points/20 team cost/20 friend slots.

Puzzles And Dragons Download Pc

As you rank up through the game, you'll increase these stats and be able to clean more dungeons at once and have many more powerful monsters on your team. Magic stones:The only thing in the game you can buy! Magic stones refill stamina, give you another life in dungeons, buy more monster box space, buy more friend slots, and let you roll the REM.Before I realized they were super limited, I spent them on restoring stamina and adding more friends. Don't be like PAD-noob me. Save your stones for Godfest or until a fancy version of the REM comes along, or buy more box space.

Nothing else! (though I totally own up to using magic stones a few times to give myself another chance in a Descended dungeon)Ways to get magic stones:.

beat all levels of a dungeon. being all levels of a dungeon on Challenge Mode. special events. compensation for server/game issuesPAL points:I love PAL points! I am much more strict with them. I always save my PAL points until there's a special event. I normally roll when rare evo materials have a chance to appear, but sometimes I'll roll when the King Metal/Jewel dragons are appearing.You will receive at minimum 200 PAL points a day if you log in every morning.

In some events, you can get an additional 1000 free PAL points a day. The rest of your PAL points come from user friend list monsters or having your friends use your leader monster.You can store up to 20,000 PAL points at a time, or 100 rolls in the PEM. I like to use PadGuide or puzzledragonx.com to plan my week. There are always events happening, so it's good to look ahead and see what sort of Descends and special dungeons will be happening so you can build appropriate teams.Login bonuses:You get daily login bonuses of 200 PAL points and 500 coins if you log in everyday for a week and then never miss a day. You might also receive a message from game admins that includes 1000 PAL points, a TAMADRA, or a magic stone, depending on the current event.Daily Metal/Jewel Dragon dungeons:Nearly every day you'll be able to run a special dungeon featuring a certain element of jewel/metal dragon.

The elements will vary, and the dungeons are only available for one hour at a time. These are a great way to level monsters in a cost effective way.To find your daily schedule, create an account at puzzledragonx.com or use PadGuide. You will need to know which 'group' you player code falls into.and dungeons:Sometimes the daily metal/jewel dragon dungeons get switched for these. I don't really run them because they can be a huge stamina drain - but it's good to run them once to get a magic stone!Gift Dungeons:Sometimes the game will give you a King Dragon or Present Egg in a special dungeon you can only run once.

These dungeons normally cost 10 stamina.There are also higher difficulty gift dungeons that will give you a chance to snag a, which allows you to skill up and evolve more powerful monsters.Descended Dungeons:Descended dungeons are the thing most high level players focus on completing. They're much harder than the standard dungeons and are normally only available for 24 hours, so keep an eye on the upcoming schedules!The give you access to powerful monsters like Hera and Zeus, as well as high level skill up materials.

There are really two major ways to make money:. selling low level monsters.

running the Weekend DungeonEarly on in the game when you're a broke noob, it's a good idea to sell excess low level monsters. Say you're really only focusing on leveling fire and wood monsters - in this case you should sell all the dark, light, and water fodder monsters you have. Anything that's not valuable, at least.:DIt will cost you a lot of money to feed them to your other monsters, and you won't receive that same-element exp bonus, so it's not cost effective.The other coin-maker is the.;)Key things to know about the Weekend Dungeon:. no light or dark orbs appear on the board, so it's best to only take fire, wood and water element monsters in. combo based leaders are great for this! Kushinada 4 life.

try to combo as much as possible - the higher your combos and the less turns it takes you to finish, the more money you'll get. you won't receive any monster drops. have a? This is a great time to use her as your leader or borrow a friend's - she'll give you a 1.5x coin bonus.

sometimes this dungeon offers a 1.5x or 2x coin bonus - so make sure to run that!. Master level difficulty - you can expect 10,000ish EXP and 100,000-200,000 coin for 25 stamina. Legend level difficulty - you can expect 12-14,000 EXP and up to a 1,000,000 coin for 40 stamina.

There are two flavors of egg machine: the Pal Egg Machine and the Rare Egg Machine. Both of these machines run special events that allow you better chances to get the types of monsters you want, so keep an eye out on (see the second image) and to see which events are coming up.Pal Egg MachineFor 500 Pal Points, you can roll at the PEM once. If you save up your points, you can roll up to 10 times in a row. You can store 20,000 Pal Points at a time, or 100 rolls.Pal Points are best stored until a special event is happening at the machine.

Keep an eye out for Rare Evo Materials or Jewel Dragons appearing at the machine.If you roll the PEM machine when there's not an event going on, chances are really low you'll get any awesome monsters.There are also new Pal Egg machines that operate like the special Rare Egg verions - you can roll for special limited time monsters for 1000 Pal PointsRare Egg MachineThe REM allows you to roll for rarer monster (3 stars+) for 5 magic stones. This machine is also best left until there's a special event or version of the REM you want to roll.REM events include Galas and Godfests. During Galas, you will have a higher chance of rolling certain types of monsters by element - Fire, Water, Earth, Light, Dark. During Godfests, you have a higher chance to get certain types of Gods. To learn more about Godfests, check the previous ones.The REM also comes in different types.

Certain events allow you to roll at special REMs that contain a very limited set of themed monsters, including Hello Kitty, Evangelion, Batman, Sticker Girls, etc. These are rare but well worth a roll when you see them!I prefer to keep nearly all my magic stones for rolling during REM events., as well as a list of any current event monsters with higher rates of appearing.P.S. Please note that the REM is a cruel machine. Often times you will get trolled and get a terrible monster - it's not guaranteed that you'll get a good monster even during Godfest.

Unless you choose to add more friends slots with magic stones, you'll have 50 friends maximum.When you're just starting out, it's best to friend pretty much everyone. Friending folks gives you an additional monster to use in battle and that's all you really need at first. Plus, friending people that use your leader monster will guarantee you a few more PAL points.As you rank up and begin building more specific teams, you'll want to start culling your friend list and adding players with leaders that work well with your team. In my case, I have a large amount of Ronia, Kushinada, devil, and healer friends.A couple more ways I control my friend list:. deleting inactive players: if someone hasn't played in a couple days, I delete them. This means I won't see their monsters as often since they're not logging in, and chances are they won't use my monsters so I'm losing PAL points. deleting players 50 ranks or more lower/higher than I am: the further away you are from someone in rank, the less often they'll show up on your friend list.

There are three major types of dungeons:.Normal dungeons have no restrictions except for stamina cost. You can use any mix of elements and monster types to make up your teams.Technical dungeons are very focused on certain element types and allow enemies to use skills instead of regular attacks, which can make them tricky. Higher level technical dungeons also introduce restrictions where you can only use certain types of monsters on your teams or render you unable to use leader skills.Special dungeons are event based dungeons and are only available for limited amounts of time. UPDATE 10/8/2014 - Descended dungeons have changed up a bit and some (Hera, Two Heroes, etc) are now available as normal levels once you clear certain dungeons.Descended dungeons are a major part of the game - they're a great way to get powerful monsters! However, they take a ton of work to get through.For your first descended dungeons, I recommend these:. Hera's Gravity skill reduces overall enemy HP by 30%, so she's awesome to have around.

Multiples wouldn't hurt!. Two Heroes drops either a Berserk or a Highlander, and it's a good idea to run it multiple times to get both.

Monster Types:. tend to have elemental damage based skills and elemental protection leader skills. good distribution of HP/ATK/RCV. higher HP, good ATK.

high RCV, low HP in most cases. high ATK. higher rarity, higher stats overall. good HP and ATK, lower RCV. a new type! High HP and decent ATK.

materials used to evolve monsters, often used as filler in low cost teams. monsters that grant good amounts of exp during fusion, also sometimes help with skill upsMonsters can be up to two types. Both types count toward any leader skill bonus that may apply. For example, Ronia is a Devil/Dragon type and I&I is a God/Healer type.Monster Elements:Monsters come in fire, water, wood, light and dark elements. As with type, they can be up to two elements. The main element (in the upper left hand corner of their card) is the element that counts for any dungeon restrictions based on element.Monster Cost:Each monster in the game has a cost associated with it. This will vary based on the rarity of the monster.

For example, a monster with a rarity of 7 stars will have a much higher cost than a monster with a rarity of 1 star.These monster costs add up to the total team cost when building teams.Awoken Skills:Awoken skills are found on the right hand side of the monster card, represented by small tiles. When awoken, the tiles become bright. Awoken skills are one of the best perks of evoing your monsters - you can get HP/ATK/RCV bonuses, auto healing, additional damage bonuses, skill boosts, etc.You can awaken monsters by feeding them a TAMADRA. Each TAMADRA awakens one skill, and the skills awaken from top to bottom. You can also feed a monster the same exact monster via power up fusion for a chance at awakening, but it is pretty rare.Keep in mind that there are TAMADRAs and Baby TAMADRAs.

You must evolve the Baby TAMADRAs to get a guaranteed awakening.Skill:Skills are something your monsters can use in battle. Skills can do major damage to enemy monsters, convert orbs on the board, heal, poison, delay enemy turns, and apply bonuses.Skills require a certain number of turns to pass before they can be used. You can decrease the number of turns a skill requires by skilling up a monster by fusing it with a monster of the same skill. Skilling up is not guaranteed, but there is always a chance.Leader skill:Leader skills are only activated when that monster is set as a team leader - either your leader or your friend's leader.Pay close attention to these skills as they as what you will build your teams around.Note that not all monsters come with a leader skill - some require an evolution before they gain a leader skill, and some never gain a leader skill at all. Team building is absolutely the trickiest thing about this game.

Orbs. come in five colors (or elements) - fire, water, wood, light and dark. Light and dark are not vulnerable to the other elements, only to each other. There are three ways to get monsters in the game:.

Farming for them in dungeons. the PEM. the REM machinesIf you're a non-IAP player, you don't want to rely as strongly on REM pulls - they're costly and in the beginning of the game it's best to use those stones to add more space to your monster box!I've found that the best way to get great monsters is to farm and then evolve them. Many of the great leader monsters you get from the REM are very well complemented by farmable monsters and monsters that you get from the PEM machine.

Save those PAL points and use them during Jewel/Metal dragon and rare evo materials events to get loads of monsters at once.Your best case for farming? Only farm when there's an extra drop rate (x1.5 or x2.0) - otherwise you're not using stamina as wisely! Ignore those dungeons the rest of the time and focus on upping your rank.It will take a fair deal of effort to farm and evolve these monsters, but it's worth it to have a well rounded team. Head to the next step to get more info on what you should farm for in the beginning of the game.:D. easy to skill up - all you need are, which are super common. Every Tuesday through Friday is your best chance to get evo materials. You can also farm them in the normal and technical dungeons throughout the week, but the drop rate is much lower and can be pretty frustrating.

Dragon City Holy Dragon

The only evo materials I farm regularly in the normal levels are the lits, dragon seeds, dragon plants, and dragon flowers.I farm these weekly to replenish all my evo materials, and I try to keep at least two of each evo material on hand at any given time, though I often have 3-4 of of the dub-lits and keepers since those get used all the time. Expand your box space just to store evo materials, for real.

The absolute biggest thing to keep in mind when leveling your monsters is to feed the monster you're leveling only with monsters of the same element. Awoken Skills:Awoken skills are one of the best perks of evoing your monsters - you can get HP/ATK/RCV bonuses, auto healing, additional damage bonuses, enhanced orbs, skill boosts, etc.Pay very close attention to your monster's awakening skills - sometimes they allow amazing damage bonuses. For example, Ronia and Meimei offer awakenings that allow an additional 10% damage by matching one row of dark, fire or wood orbs. If you use Ronia's skill and change the board to only red and dark orbs, you can match many rows at once for mega damage. Same goes for Meimei's skill if you're lucky and get lots of green orbs!You can awaken monsters by feeding them a. Each TAMADRA awakens one skill, and the skills awaken from top to bottom.


You can also feed a monster the same exact monster via Power-Up Fusion for a chance at awakening, but it is pretty rare.(Baby TAMADRAs are also an option, but they require more time and materials to evo them into a TAMADRA.)Skill Ups:You can decrease the number of turns a skill requires by skilling up a monster by fusing it with a monster of the same skill. (This monster does not have to be identical - it only has to share the skill.) Skilling up is not guaranteed, but there is always a chance.Only attempt skill ups during a skill up bonus event - the Power-Up Fusion button will let you know when there's one going on.

Puzzle And Dragons Holy Dragon

Otherwise, hold those extra monsters in your monster box.For some monsters (like those that you can only get from the REM) it's nearly impossible to skill them up, and that's okay. There are special dungeons available for certain special skill up monsters, but they can be hard to farm. My Kushinada will be forever Skill lv. How to use + eggs:To get the most out of your + eggs, store them until the monster you want to apply them to is a very high level. For example, I waited until my Ronia was about level 95 before I applied any + eggs.

Puzzle And Dragons Zh

If you do it before, the monster will cost loads more to level, as each + egg adds to the fusion cost.Fuse your low rarity + egg monsters together (maybe 15-20 at a time) and keep them in your monster box. Try to use a base monster of the same element type as the monster you want to apply the + eggs to - you'll get more experience that way when you fuse them!Where to obtain + eggs:Plus eggs are best obtained in dungeons with a drop rate bonus. And are great places to farm for them on the weekends. You can also keep an eye out for the special dungeon.I always get quite a few just running the higher stamina normal dungeons.