New Vegas Max Special

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New vegas special stats

Fallout: New Vegas - Special Stats Building Guide Fallout New Vegas - Special Stats Building Guideby FatherMylesThis is a guide for new Fallout New Vegas players who want to maximize theircharacters effectiveness right from the start of the game. Hopefully it alsohelps older players try new and perhaps more effective things. Here you willlearn what stats will most effect your desired playstyle, and what you could dowithout. Your SPECIAL stats all start at 5, with 5 points to add to any stats.You may also add/deduct points from any stat when creating your character VIAthe Vigor Tester (The machine you edit your SPECIAL stats with at the beginningof the game).SPECIAL stats are:Strength (Governing stats: Melee Weapons. Also determines which weapons you caneffectively use, inventory carry weight, and melee combat damage.)Perception (Governing stats: Energy Weapons, Lockpick, Explosives. Alsodetermines compass range.)Endurance (Governing stats: Unarmed, Survival.

Also determines hit points andradiation resistance, and number of implants obtainable.)Charisma (Governing stats: Speech, Barter. Also determines companion nerve.)Intelligence (Governing stats: Medicine, Science, Repair. Also determines thenumber of skill points gained upon levelling up.)Agility (Governing stats: Guns, Sneak. Also determines action point regeneration.)Luck (Luck governs all skills slightly, affects your critical hit chance, thechance of enemy mishaps and your luck with gambling.)Note: Never start with more than 9 in any given stat; implants (+1 to anySPECIAL stat) may be bought to increase your desired stat from 9 to 10. Eachadded SPECIAL stat will raise the governing stats by 2.IntelligenceLet's start with the most fun stat to explain: Intelligence.

Fallout New Vegas Max Special Stats

The number ofskill points gained each level is based on the formula 10 + (0.5. INT perlevel, including level 1). This means you will be gaining 10.5 skill points(every level up) at 1 INT, and 15 at level 10. The half skill points do crossover, meaning you will gain 10.5 points upon reaching level 2 with 1 INT, and11 points when you reach level 3, then back to 10.5 for level 4. The highestperk requirement for INT is 7, but if you want a lot (not all) of perk options,5 is all you need.

The perk 'Educated' (obtainable at level 4) will boost youramount of skill points gained per level by 2, making the maximum number ofskill points earned per level 17.On a personal note, I believe the absolute highest INT you need is 5, 4 being abetter option. With 4 INT, you gain 404 skill points from level 2 to 30 (witheducated taken at level 4), as apposed to 10 INT where you gain 491 skillpoints (with educated at level 4).

New Vegas Max Special

So at level 4 INT, you can max out 4-5 statsand also have higher alternative SPECIAL attributes (most perks only require 4INT anyway). The extra 87 points will allow you to max out one more stat, butis that necessary? You can just replay the game with a different characterbuild, and max out a different 4-5 stats if you want to experiment with everything.It is possible to get the INT implant before you reach level 2, making astarting INT level of 3 acceptable. (Stealthboy past deathclaws fromGoodsprings to Camp McCarren on Very Easy, take NCR uniform and board themonorail into New Vegas Free!, give Mr. House 2 snowglobes for 4,000 caps,buy implant!) If you accidentally get a level with 3 INT before you buy theimplant, make sure you wait on buying it until you get one more level(Otherwise you waist the.5 points you gained from the first level!)StrengthThis stat is slightly easier to understand, and is much less debatable. Thehighest perk requirement for Strength is 7, but most perks that require you tohave 6-7 strength boost melee effectiveness. Each STR point gives you an extra10 pounds of carrying capacity (from 160 to 250), an extra.5 damage with meleeweapons (.5 to 5), and increases your melee weapons skill by 2 (+2 to +20).

New Vegas How To Max Special

Ifyou're playing a melee/tank character, strength will be important for holdingall that extra weight in armor (Notably power armor) and dealing extra damagewith your weapons. I suggest starting with 9 STR if you're a melee/tankcharacter, or 5 if you're anything else. Weapons handling perk (Decrease allweapons STR requirements by 2) and the STR implant will be enough to hold mostweapons, and for the mini-gun (STR requirement of 10), you could start at 6,use the implant and weapons handling, and wear power armor (Power armorincreases STR by 1 for as long as you're wearing it).PerceptionPerception is mostly used to see ticks on your compass from certain distancesaway, short distances if low perception and long if high.

Perception also makesthe use of energy weapons more effective, increasing their damage. The highestperk requirement for perception is 7, and contrary to what designers saidpre-release, perception has no independent effects on ranged weapon accuracy.Instead it effects the distance at which the computer draws AI. A characterwith 1 perception will not be able to see as far as a character with 10perception.

A perception of 5 (6 with implant) is suggested, as it mostly worksfor spotting red ticks on your compass before the baddies spot you. You willalso be able to wear a hat (very commonly found) to increase your perception by1 for as long as you wear it (Caution: not every hat in the game has this effect).The 'Four eyes' trait you can pick at the beginning of the game will alsoincrease your perception by 1 as long as you're wearing glasses, which is goodbecause you can wear a hat and glasses at the same time. (Glasses can be foundin the room you start the game in, on the desk) If you choose a startingperception of 7, take the implant making it 8, and wear glasses and a hat(Assuming you took the 'Four eyes' trait), you will have the max of 10 perception.Alternatively, if you don't care about the perks that require perception, youmay decrease it all the way to 1 at the beginning and pick up the companionED-E as soon as you can (Found in Primm). ED-E adds the 'Enhanced Censors' Perkwhen ever he's with you, making your compass range as good, or better, than itwould be with 10 perception. So, with ED-E and 1 perception, you can enjoy theperks of having an outstanding compass range while having all those SPECIALpoints utilized in a different stat. Careful though, if you're playing onHardcore mode, ED-E can die and you won't be able to get him back.EnduranceThe highest perk requirement for Endurance is 7. This skill also adds to yourtotal number of health points, your natural RAD resistance, and the number ofimplants you can take on (with 1 END, you can only get 1 implant, with 9 ENDyou can get every implant available).

The END implant does not effect the totalnumber of implants you can take on. A high END is suggested on any characterbuild, as you do get attacked a lot in this game and you will most likely wanta lot of implants. I suggest 5 or 6 END for most character builds (6 or 7 withimplant - the perk 'Rad Absorption' requires 7 END and is very helpful) howeverif you're planning on being a melee/tank character, starting with 9 END isrecommended.CharismaThe SPECIAL stat Charisma determines companion nerve as well as the barter andspeech stats.

The highest perk requirement for charisma is 6. Each point incharisma boosts your companions damage and armor by 5, up to a maximum of +50at 10 CHR. If you're not planning on relying on your companions for support incombat (Which you will likely do on 'Very Hard', not Hardcore), it is perfectlyok to have a CHR of 1. You may raise your speech level very high without havinga high CHR (Pretty important in this game, I suggest getting speech to 50).Regardless of barter or speech level, some interactions will not be availableif your CHR is too low, however these interactions are mostly cosmetic and haveno adverse effect on your gameplay.AgilityAgility increases the number of action points you have, and contrary to popularbelief, has no effect at all on the speed of your characters walk/run.

Insteadit effects the speed at which you draw/holster your weapon, and the damage youdo with Guns. The highest perk requirement for AGI is 7. AGI is most importantfor builds that utilize guns as their main instrument of death, and I suggeststarting it off at 9 if you like lead based weapons. On the other hand, ifyou're an energy weapons guy, 5 perception (6 with implant) is all you need asit unlocks some nice perks and perception will be more important to you(Perception governs energy weapons).

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If you want to be a guns guy, a ninja, asniper, or all three, AGI is your best friend.LuckLuck determines enemy mishaps (I don't notice them, don't increase luck justfor this), gambling effectiveness (Also undesirable, there are much better waysto get money than gambling) and critical chance (I personally LOVE criticalchance. Every two luck points increases all stats by 1. So with a luck of 1 or2, all stats are increased by 1.

With a luck of 3 or 4, all stats are increasedby 2, etc. I suggest 9 luck 10 with implant just for the critical chance itgives). The highest perk requirement for luck is 6.

Each point in luck gives a1% critical chance boost. With 10 luck, most weapons you use will have a 10%(Or 15% with the perk 'Finesse', which gives +5% critical chance) chance ofcritically hitting your opponent. That's 1 in every 10 shots being a criticalhit (Or 1 in every 7 shots with Finesse)!It is also possible to get a 100% critical chance with some weapons such as thesniper rifle or unique varmint rifle, the 'Ratslayer' because of these weaponshaving a x5 critical multiplier.

This is doable by having 10 luck (+10%), theFinesse perk (+5%), and Boones 1st Recon Beret (+5%) (Obtainable from Boone'squest 'One for my baby', also able to equip with glasses on at the same time incase of the 'Four eyes' trait). 10% + 5% + 5% = 20%, 20 x 5 = 100%. Evenwithout useing a sniper rifle, a 20% critical chance means you'll be scoring acritical on average every one in five shots.

This is very important to havewhile playing on the harder difficulties. Even though I like luck, I believeyou should either stick with either 1 luck or 10. If you don't care aboutcritical chance, your SPECIAL points are better spent on a different stat.Here I'm going to list a couple character builds you may want to refer to.