Microsoft Visual C++ 2019 Runtime Error

Posted by admin

Sims 4 mods nude color. I have unity 4.1.5 installed in windows 7 x64 and i'm trying to import version 1.2 of the unity stealth tutorial but as soon as i hit import i get the error below. I'm not having any problems importing other packages. Just to be sure i redownloaded the tutorial package and reinstalled unity and i have the same problem. Tried looking on google and couldn't find much on this error and unity.

Microsoft Visual C++ 2019 Runtime Error Codes

Is this a problem with the unitypackage? If so why has it been on the asset store for 2 weeks? Thanks.-Microsoft Visual C Runtime Library-Runtime Error!Program:This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way.Please contact the application's support team for more information.-OK.