Elder Scrolls The Empire

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  1. Elder Scrolls 6 Empire
  2. Elder Scrolls Roman Empire
  3. Elder Scrolls Septim Dynasty

Lots of texts were added to the Library this past month. In case you don't follow us on Discord or social media, here's a sampling of the updates:.found on the old elderscrollsonline.com. Thanks to Benefactor for bringing these (and the other missing ESO out of game texts below) to my attention.found on the old official site.

These little snippets did not make it into the game itself. There are a lot of them, so we've divided them based on the region that they appeared.Texts relating to the, which resulted in the character of Malkur Valos.Promotional letters from and, sent to community members in the real world to promote Summerset and the Year of the Dragon.episode featuring the new Loremaster, Leamon Tuttle. TIL and myself get a nice shoutout, by which we're eternally humbled. Accompanying that, we've also reposted.- while this one was technically the tail end of March, it's still worth a mention.

The majority of the story is now online, with the final chapter currently in progress.And, finally,. Also technically from March, this small document is a fascinating look at where Skyrim began and how it changed through production.With Elsweyr on the horizon, May is going to be a big month for lovers of Khajiit, dragons, and necromancy.

We can't wait for all the juicy lore the Chapter has in store! The anniversary celebrations continue!First up, do not miss this absolutely fantastic with ten of Morrowind's developers, including Michael Kirkbride, Ken Rolston, Todd Howard, Mark Nelson, and more. It's very long, but jam packed with behind the scenes information and character.Next, Elder Scrolls: Blades has officially gone into Early Access! You can download the app on Android now and soon on iOS, and keep an eye on your email to see if you've been granted entry. And if you simply can't wait for spoilers, I've begun documenting the main quest path, though it is still very small and work in progress.

Need a refresher on Elsweyr, dragons, or necromancy before the? We've got you covered!ElsweyrBoth leaks and official statements show that we'll be traveling to Elsweyr this year. It's reasonable to assume that the whole province will be part of the mid-year Chapter release, with the first quarter dungeon DLC potentially being a preview to the region.

Hello fellow scholars! I wanted to let the beautiful artwork and engrossing fiction of our 20th anniversary contest sit at the top of the front page for a while, but I think it's high time to highlight some of the new things added to the library.First off, I've begun the task of re-organizing and updating our translation dictionary page.

The old dictionary (still available for now) was strictly alphabetical, which worked OK when there were few known words. Now, however, most tongues have dozens of words on record and are better grouped by language. As part of the modernization of this section I've also reworked the formatting, added more explanatory comments, and added words for which no translations are known. Perhaps most importantly, I've gone through and thoroughly sourced every word, linking it to its documentation where possible and always noting whether the translation was provided by a character/developer or if it was extrapolated by fans. An important distinction!Four languages are up so far.

Elder Scrolls 6 Empire

Ta'agra and Jel still have some missing words, but Kothri and Riekling (which has never before been translated) are complete.Other languages are also in progress, and will be added to the library as soon as they reach a presentable state. If you're aware of any in-game (versus in-book) words missing from the above four, please let us know!Another big news item was the release of Murkmire. We caught up with the books from the DLC during its preview stage, and have now also added the two Loremasters Archives released alongside it. Both and are located in the Interview section in the sidebar, and provide tons of interesting details about Black Marsh and its inhabitants. First off: a big thank you to all who entered! The submissions we received were absolutely astounding, and selecting the winners was a very hard choice, both for the judges and for the public. Everyone who submitted deserves a big round of applause, you guys did fantastic work!Please check out all our wonderful submissions for, and for.Without further ado, here are the winners for both contests!Art Judge's Choice Grand Prize- by Sak/Quartervirus (, )Art Popular Vote Winner- by Zet Leonhart (, )Art Runners Up- by Hartiganhero - by Alfred Khamidullin / Hieronymus7z Writing Judge's Choice Grand Prize- by Lena D.

Writing Popular Vote Winner- by Michael Connor ( )Writing Runners Up- by Khajiiti M&M- SilenceOfAutumn A big congratulations to all the winners! I'll be getting in touch with you shortly about claiming your prizes, so keep an eye on your email inbox.Like I mentioned above, this was an extremely tight race. As such, I wanted to also highlight the works that were just a few points shy of a win.- by HeroesofTamriel - by General Aulus- by Apalethe (in ESO as @SmallCritter)- by Sothas- by Lost in Hyrule- by Alex Pecha- by Ilanisilver- by Ard- by Michael Taylor- by Roorensama (, )- by Ravnie (, )- by Anton Makarau (BeefPuppy) (, )Thank you once again to everyone that entered - your work is amazing! Everyone's efforts will be forever preserved in on the Imperial Library under the 'Collaboration' section in the sidebar. And so our month of celebration comes to a close.

Twenty years is a long time, especially on the internet. There are a lot of great things in the works for the year ahead - a brand new bestiary and a complete overhaul and upgrade of the Guide to Daedra, not to mention the steady stream of new lore from Elder Scrolls Online and the upcoming Elder Scrolls Blades. For our last post, I asked some of our current and past contributors to talk about what they’d like to see in the future of Elder Scrolls lore and the Imperial Library. Here’s what they had to say:I think the community is heading down a good path right now.

The long break between TES releases gives us the chance to reflect and discuss how/where we want to take things in the future. Regardless of where the lore takes us, The Imperial Library will be there archiving lore books and interview until the end of time. Lol.-Tailin Sero, Assistant LibrarianTIL has some fabulously talented people. It would be great to see a big collaborative writing project, something of, say, novella or '2920' length that had been brainstormed by a group and then written up by one or two of the good writers around here.- XuiI want TES lore to be expanded and explored. I could never understand people who would complain about a new game, because it showed a piece of lore unknown in previous games. And I'm not talking about any retcons here, I'm literally mentioning people who complain because there is new lore.

I hope The Elder Scrolls VI brings us a whole bunch of new things to archive in our good, old library. So far, The Elder Scrolls Online has been doing a fantastic job at providing us with new lore, but we do need a lore-packed, new singleplayer.

The lore community is doing pretty fine, but I'd like to see more scholarly work at TIL forums. Don't be afraid!

Noone will laugh at you here. If you do any mistakes, someone will politely point them out and maybe give advice. Honestly, we all made mistakes, we all forgot some lore and we all still have something to learn, even if we are TIL staff or other members of the community here. I doubt we'll ever run out of lore to research. I just think people could be more active in terms of publishing their thoughts and being involved in The Elder Scrolls Wiki or forums at TIL. Also, I would want the whole lore community to look at TIL as an example. A healthy, friendly, welcoming and open community, where anyone can talk about anything and find help.

Over the years, in other places, I have seen people who would belittle others because they knew less lore. I have seen people who would hate someone for being on the same position as them in administrating a community. I have seen a lot of people who would disrespect others because they could. In my opinion, that's not acceptable, if a site or group is (or wants to be) a serious place to discuss TES.-Stygies VIII, Assistant Librarian since 2017I hope it continues to embrace its fan-driven side.-Adanorcil, librarian 2006 - 2017What about you?

What are you excited to see in the coming year of Elder Scrolls? What articles or features would you appreciate us focusing on next? As our month of celebration winds down, I wanted to reflect on how some of us first discovered this little corner of the internet, and some of the many, many wonderful memories made here.Wow. Has it been that long already? The Library could be my younger sibling.:DI once was a kid years old, in possession of an internet connection, and drive to be right. The Elderscrolls had a community that indulged me.

I wielded the books in Library like a hammer of truth. Imagine people getting literally gobsmacked by citations and excerpts.

And in doing so I met new people, learned new things, made friends and in general had a thing that carried me through highschool and a good part of univeristy. I eventually got into Software Engineering thanks to Ghan Buri Ghan and his Morrowind Scripting for Dummies, and that was a good thing.Thanks for being there folks!PS: The Dragon Break is totally like Git!- ProwelerI first discovered TIL back when it was Xanathar's Library. I started reading everything I could on the site and fell in love.- BHonestly, I don't remember how I first discovered TIL. When I got into Morrowind back in 2003 or so, it just felt like it had always been there.As to TIL-related memories: well, apart from meeting my SO, obviously, there's just too much to mention. In no particular order:- The very first Storyboard. I'm not sure where that somewhat bizarre name comes from, but it lives on to this day. Nowadays it's just a standard forum integrated into the site, but before that it was a separate forum.

Even before that, however, it was one of those 90s monstrosities, complete with animated gif header, where the entire forum was just one long list of threaded links.Now you might be thinking “man, technology sure has come a long way”, but the important takeaway here is that this absolute fossil of web technology was in use on the Imperial Library well into the 2000's. I cannot find the exact date, but I estimate we finally laid it to rest somewhere around 2006.- I swear I am familiar with the internet post-2008, but I feel obliged to bring to mind another relic: the old #til IRC channel. Before the days of Discord and Facebook Messenger, IRC was an accessible and versatile medium for group discussions. That channel had constant activity, from actual meetings to complete nonsense.-Adanorcil, librarian 2006 – 2017I can't remember exactly, but when I was first getting into the lore (while playing Oblivion+Skyrim) I found myself searching the web for the many questions I had about Ayleids, Dwemer, Dragons, Falmer, etc. And I would usually be shown links to TES Wiki, UESP, and TIL. Out of those three I found the formatting/layout of TIL to be, imo, easier to navigate.

It was quick to find maps for when I finally started playing Morrowind and storylines for when I would inevitably get stuck in Daggerfall. Plus, no ads.:) Eventually, I joined and soon after became an Assistant Librarian. TIL and the lore community by extension has helped me out in more than just TES related stuff.

It feels good knowing that now I am able to help it in return.-Tailin Sero, Assistant LibrarianI discovered TIL probably when I googled something on the lore, knew about it for years. August 2018 marks a 3-year anniversary of me being a member; I made an account when I became more active in the community.

Back then, when I started, I was an administrator of the Polish The Elder Scrolls Wiki for eight months already and that was a time of shifting from learning a ton of lore to sharing it and discussing, getting involved in forums, wikis and themed groups on facebook. I don't see the point of knowing things if you can't use, share or archive them. It's very hard to select a single TIL-related memory that is my favourite, or even a couple of them. I think it might be one of the first topics I brought up here, over two years ago, when I found Dwemer plans in The Elder Scrolls Online and posted them on forums to discuss. There is a sense of wonder and excitement when you find something unexplored in a new game and run to the forums to show others what you have found. There is another one, though. Once, on behalf of the Polish TES Wiki, I was organizing a meeting at Pyrkon, the biggest European fantasy convention.

The meeting was for TES fans, it didn't really have a program, it was just drinking beer, eating sweetrolls and S'jirra's famous potato bread (Nerds' Kitchen made those dishes for us). I even managed to get a Polish Bethesda Community Manager there and have The Imperial Library as a patron of the event on facebook. It was special to me because all of those people, those knowledgeable about lore, those less knowledgeable, the Bethesda worker, wikia editors, cosplayers and Nerds' Kitchen food magicians (they really did some food magic, yes) sat there at the table and had fun together. Whether someone was just a gamer and fan of TES, or was someone with input into the community, they were all simply welcome. And happy to be there.

I remember this event as an especially pleasant afternoon and evening. The potato bread was awesome.-Stygies VIII, Assistant Librarian since 2017What about you? How did you come to find us, and what memories have you made?

Contents.Alessian Empire The, also called the First Empire, the Empire of Cyrodiil, and the Empire of Men, was established by the former human slaves of the Empire in following the. The Empire traces its founding to the moment when Saint received the and the from; she used the Amulet to drive the out of the mortal realm. Akatosh told Alessia that as long as the Dragonfires remained lit and wore the Amulet of Kings, the gates of would remain shut and would be spared the depredations of the Daedra.Only a few rulers of the First Empire are now known: Queen Alessia, its founder and spiritual leader;, Alessia's heir by her consort, crowned in;, crowned in; and, who expanded the reaches of the Empire all the way to in.

One of the defining events of the Empire was the rise of the zealously monotheistic, which followed the teachings of the prophet. The Order's influence spread rapidly until, in, its puritanical doctrines were formally adopted and enforced by the Empire. Thereafter, the arch-prelates of the Order were said to wield almost as much power as the emperors themselves. It was a sect of the Order called the Marukhati Selective that was responsible for the known as the 'Middle Dawn'.The Alessian Empire's territory fluctuated considerably throughout its history.

At its inception it encompassed East, including the and the, which later became the centerpiece of the; West Cyrodiil remained a patchwork of independent kingdoms that resisted the Alessian Order's dogma. A number of Ayleid vassal-states also briefly existed under the Empire's umbrella until the xenophobic Alessian Order methodically extinguished them. Following the defeat and death of High King in, the Empire seized portions of southern, but failed in its bid to acquire the Kingdom of. A westward expansion and attempt to annex High Rock was likewise thwarted at the in, which would be remembered as one of the Order's most disastrous mistakes. High Rock would later be inducted into the Empire in after the Empress defeated King Styriche, the Vampire of, only to reassert its independence in in response to the Alessian Order's excesses.The final days of the Empire arrived in, when tensions within the Alessian Order's bloated priesthood gave way to internal strife, prompting the kingdoms of West Cyrodiil to completely sever ties with the Empire and establish their own government, the. Hemorrhaging money and land, the Empire finally broke under the strain and the erupted.

After a decade of violence that wiped out half of the population of the and saw the loss of the Order's extensive monastic complex at, among untold other atrocities, the war ended in with the dissolution of the Alessian Empire and Order both. Cyrodiil and Tamriel would remain divided until the rise of and the foundation of the in. Second Empire The, also known as the Cyrodilic Empire, the Empire of Cyrodiil, and the Second Empire of Men, was a human-led empire that, at its height, controlled every region of with the exception of. The history of the Second Empire is divided into two main periods: the reign of the that witnessed the final centuries of the, and the subsequent that ushered in the. Reman Dynasty The was founded by Cyrodiil after he defeated the invasion of at the battle of in. Until that point, Tamriel had been divided into several small kingdoms, but once Reman had brought the armies of Colovia and the Nibenay Valley together to defeat the invasion, he was able to unite all of Tamriel's human inhabitants in the face of possible aggression from the.Although the Battle of Pale Pass established Reman as the leading power in Tamriel, many parts of the continent refused to acknowledge his rule.

Valenwood was not subdued until. In, Cyrodilic forces defeated the last organized army of at the Battle of Argonia, and the following year saw Argonia admitted to the Empire as a province under the name '. The rest of the province was conquered piecemeal, with the whole area passing under Imperial control in.The last war of conquest began in around when began an attempt to bring, the only province outside Imperial control, into the empire. Progress was slow, and the three living gods of Morrowind's, and proved to be extremely capable leaders. By, both sides were approaching exhaustion and after the Empire captured the fortress of, a truce was agreed to bring an end to the war.In the aftermath of the battle, both and his heir, Prince, were assassinated on the orders of Potentate, bringing an end to the Reman Dynasty and instigating the period of the known as the. Akaviri Potentate The is the name given to the period of the after the assassination of and the end of the.

Additionally, it is the title given to the rulers of both during this period and during the earlier years of the empire.Under the Remans, the emperor's chief advisor was called the Potentate. In the battle of, decisively defeated an invasion but other events forced him to offer the defeated army amnesty in return for their service in his own army. This led to Akaviri influence in other spheres of life, and over time the position of Potentate was usually filled by one of the snake people. In the year, the Potentate plotted to overthrow the empire.

He contrived the assassination first of Crown Prince and then the emperor himself. On 22 Evening Star 2920, Versidue-Shaie declared that he was taking over the leadership of the empire but retaining his title of Potentate. In the same speech, he declared the end of the and the start of the.In order to suppress armies remaining loyal to the Remans, as well as the armies belonging to individual kingdoms seeking greater autonomy, Versidue-Shaie was forced to engage in a relentless series of campaigns that, by the year, finally resulted in victory for his forces. The cost of the campaigns was immense, resulting in the impoverishment of both the empire and its constituent kingdoms and in an effort to maintain order without the expense of a standing army, in Versidue-Shaie agreed to a proposal from his kinsman Dinieras-Ves that established what was to become known as the.In, Versidue-Shaie was assassinated by the nascent and succeeded by his son,. In turn, he was assassinated along with all his heirs on one night in Sun's Dawn, bringing a final end to the Second Empire and signaling the start of the. Subsequent rulers of the Imperial Province retained the name of the, but this was never ruled by a emperor and did not extend beyond the borders of. Interregnum Empire of Cyrodiil The refers to an state that existed during the early years of the.

Although identified as an empire, it differed from the, and in that its only permanent dependency was itself, and it was at no time ruled by a emperor.With the collapse of the Second Empire in, its provinces reasserted their independence, leaving the Imperial heartland of Cyrodiil to its own devices. The region remained a bastion of Imperial culture as the rest of rejected its influence. Further, institutions that had been hallmarks of the Second Empire, including the, the, and the office of, survived the chaos relatively intact. As such, the Empire of Cyrodiil, as it would come to be known, succeeded the Second Empire as a matter of course. In the absence of legitimate claimants to the Ruby Throne, the Empire of Cyrodiil was ruled over by a succession of pretenders who usually attained the throne through conquest.The earliest known of these pretenders was, a leader of the, who reigned over the Empire for a time before being slain in battle outside in.

He and his successors, a dynasty called the, held the throne until the death of at the hands of of in. Of all of the pretenders who had thus far achieved control of the Empire, the Longhouse Emperors had been some of the more successful ones, having managed to stay in power for a span of several decades.

One triumph of their reign was the opportunistic annexation of and in northern by the under General Lavinia Axius. This occurred during the early years of the outbreak, which had hit the Khajiit particularly hard. The Khajiit attempted to retake both cities from the Imperials, but were unsuccessful.Leovic's usurper, Varen Aquilarios, had been the Duke of Chorrol before leading the Colovian Estates in rebellion against Leovic when he legalized worship.

After personally killing Leovic and claiming the title of emperor of Cyrodiil, Varen set out to cement his status a legitimate leader of the Empire by retrieving the lost. He was encouraged in this endeavor by the powerful necromancer, who promised that the Amulet could be used in a ritual to persuade to make Varen a Dragonborn.

Mannimarco betrayed Varen, however, and the ritual broke the covenant with Akatosh and set adrift in the in an event named the. Varen was believed lost in the event and his wife, ascended to the Ruby Throne as Empress Regent.Clivia Tharn's reign ushered in a time of increasing instability within the Empire.

Swayed by offers of power and immortality, Clivia fell under the thrall of Mannimarco, who convinced her that the was responsible for the Soulburst and to expel them from the Imperial City, allowing Mannimarco's to operate freely. Mannimarco himself aspired to become a god and rule not only Nirn, but his master 's realm of as well. Beyond the Empire's borders, the other nations of Tamriel began to unite into three different alliances in response to perceived Imperial aggression and corruption: the, and the first. Each alliance sought to conquer the Empire of Cyrodiil and place one of their own on the Imperial Throne, triggering the that wracked the whole of Tamriel in.With central Cyrodiil ravaged by war, most of its inhabitants scattered.

Some of them hid in the northern and eastern mountains, while others fled south to. The richest of the Imperials, mostly, bought estates in western, around the cities of and, away from raging war. That proved to be a mistake, however, as Anvil was captured by pirates who claimed dominion over the entire and declared it an independent state, leading to strife with loyalist Kvatch.The Empire did not sit idle as the armies of the alliances forged deep into its territory. It attempted to expand its reach on two fronts: and to the north, and to the south. The invasion of High Rock and Hammerfell was spearheaded by the infamous Magus-General. To the south, an Imperial Legion was mustered from Colovia to annex Valenwood's Arenthia Vale, which by decree of the Count of and the Elder Council was renamed the South Weald. Each of these ventures ultimately failed.


Elder Scrolls Roman Empire

Circa, Chancellor as head of the Elder Council attempted to end the Alliance War and restore the Empire's power through assembling the and using it to activate an 'ancient weapon' within the. Instead, this unleashed several which had been imprisoned for centuries.Little is known about the outcome of the war and the Empire of Cyrodiil's subsequent history, but by the time of 's in the Ninth Century of the, the Empire had long ceased to exist. Cyrodiil was divided between the Nibenese east and Colovian west, and remained so until reunification under the warlord, whom Tiber Septim served as a general at the time.

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Third Empire The was declared by in after the chaos of the, and was forged through a decades-long conflict to unite known as the. It lasted throughout the whole of the and two centuries into the, when it began to decline. Septim Dynasty The was founded by Tiber Septim upon using to conquer the whole of Tamriel, after which he declared the start of a new era,. His rule of 38 years was prosperous and relatively peaceful.

His grandson succeeded him, and was poised to continue the golden age, until he was assassinated by the after less than 3 years. Pelagius was the first and only direct descendant of Tiber Septim to rule, as he was an only child and had no children himself. Thus, the Ruby Throne passed to Tiber's niece, in. Kintyra and her son, were successful rulers who achieved a level of unity within the Empire that would not be equaled for centuries., who took the throne in, had his 18-year reign blighted by plagues and insurrections, and accomplished little during his rule. Instead, he left many problems, and a great deal of debt, to.


In response, Pelagius dismissed the entire and allowed only those who paid a princely sum to return to their seats. While this tactic brought some prosperity back to Tamriel, it ended when Pelagius was poisoned in, purportedly by a disgruntled former Council member. His son, was more interested in debauchery than politics, known across the Empire as a womanizer even before taking the throne. His reign was marred by civil war and other conflicts, and the province of Summerset was almost lost to invading in. Antiochus died ten years later, leaving the throne in the tenuous grasp of his 15-year-old daughter,.

Elder Scrolls Septim Dynasty

The succession was contested by Antiochus' siblings and would lead to civil war.In, Kintyra II was imprisoned by, the infamous Wolf Queen of Solitude, and murdered two years later. This triggered the, a civil war between Potema and her son on one side, and Potema's brothers and on the other. The armies of the brothers were eventually victorious and the succession continued.The Empire gained and lost power and land unpredictably during the next century until the rise of.

The first (and only) Elven ruler of the Empire, Katariah was the first in 100 years to secure a steady, iron grip over most of Tamriel, save. Ultimately, this would be the Empress' undoing, as she died in in a minor skirmish in Black Marsh.Another civil war broke out after the voted to disinherit, the eldest son of, and offer the Imperial crown to his cousin instead, as they considered Cephorus to be more closely related to the true Septim bloodline. The war lasted nine years until Andorak was mollified by the offer of the throne of in.In, began his invasion of. This one invasion dominated his reign, and ultimately ended it. His life was cut short in 3E 290, and again the Empire began a slow decline. Was unable to take the throne until, due to his young age at the time of his father's death, and his mother Thonica's attempts to stay in power as Regent. When Uriel VI fell from his horse and died in, his half-sister came to power as.

Uriel VI had left his sister with rebellious vassals and malcontent citizens to deal with. Nonetheless, she acted decisively and by the end of her reign in, Tamriel was nearing a sort of unity. Her nephew, —though struggling at first—brought the Empire closer to unity than it had been in over 300 years, since the days of Uriel I., son of Pelagius IV, came to power after his father's death in 3E 368. In, Uriel VII's battlemage, managed to imprison the emperor in a dimension of Tharn's own creation. For ten years, later known as the, Jagar Tharn ruled in Uriel's place, but showing none of the latter's wisdom.


Before Tharn could entirely drive the Empire into the ground, Uriel was rescued and restored to the throne in.During Uriel Septim VII's reign, which lasted 65 years, he united the Empire for the first time in centuries. By the end of the, and, the Empire was even closer to unity than at the end of Pelagius IV's reign. After his, his son, ended the, the Third Era, and—with no more heirs—the Septim dynasty.The Empire recovered from Tharn's deceit, but ultimately ended when Martin Septim sacrificed himself in a successful bid to seal the rift that had been opened to 's plane of Oblivion. Became Potentate Ocato when no candidate to replace Martin could be found. Ocato kept the Empire more or less intact in the tumultuous years after the Oblivion Crisis, but was assassinated in or around, which ushered in the seven-year Stormcrown Interregnum.

Mede Dynasty At some point in the seven years following Ocato's assassination, a Nibenese witch-warrior named was crowned Emperor, although he was not well liked by the people, the Elder Council favored him over, a warlord who sought the throne. Eventually, in 4E 17, Titus Mede captured the from Thules and crowned himself the first Emperor of a, eventually persuading the Elder Council to accept him as a liberator rather than a conqueror.During his rule, the province of Hammerfell was reclaimed, alongside the city-states of Leyawiin and Bravil. Under later events, Elsweyr was also reclaimed.In 4E 168, Emperor ascended to the throne. The Empire was at that time a shadow of its former glory. And had been ceded to the, Black Marsh had been lost to Imperial rule since the Oblivion Crisis, had yet to fully recover from the eruption of Red Mountain, and was plagued by infighting between the and factions.

Only, and remained prosperous and peaceful.In 4E 171, the Great War began when armies from the Aldmeri Dominion invaded the Imperial provinces of Hammerfell and Cyrodiil after Titus II rejected an ultimatum to make massive concessions to the Thalmor. An army led by Thalmor general Lord emerged from hidden camps in northern Elsweyr and assaulted southern Cyrodiil, flanking Imperial defenses along the Valenwood border. Fell to the invaders, and was surrounded and besieged.

Simultaneously, an army under Lady crossed western Cyrodiil, bypassing and and entering Hammerfell. This army was joined by smaller forces landing on Hammerfell's coast. Imperial troops were forced into retreat across the.

The was besieged, and fell after the Emperor fled with the remnants of his army to Skyrim. The war ended a year later with the liberation of the Imperial City after the, and with the subsequent Imperial acceptance of the. This treaty contained terms almost identical to those rejected before the war, specifically the outlaw of worship, which became one of the major causes of the in Skyrim. Hammerfell seceded from the Empire and worked to combat forces on its own, gaining its freedom in 4E 180.

This left the Empire in a diminished and less stable condition, though it retained control of the provinces of Cyrodiil, High Rock and Skyrim.In, the Stormcloak Rebellion broke out in Skyrim. The belligerents were the, led by, who fought for the independence of Skyrim, and the Imperial Legion, led by General, with the intention of holding the Empire together in the face of growing political tensions between them and the Thalmor.