Jedi Academy Multiplayer Console Commands

Posted by admin

All + commands are basic stuff you can do, e.g., attack, movement, use, etc.Cl commands are for controlling stuff like maxpackets.Cg are something along the lines of gameplay incluencing graphic commands, e.g., 2D on/off, speed trail, rocket smoke trail, simple items, etc.G commands are server commands, like speed, gravity, and so on.R commands are graphic commands, but they're more about the appearance, than the gameplay. Like, resolution, gamma, fastsky, picmip, etc ( NOTE: if you have rdynamicglow set for 1, and you want better FPS, set it for 0. It gives about 30 better ping).Sv commands are for stuff concerning the server and client interaction, such as svallowdownloads, svhostname, svsnaps, und so weiter.Those are the most used command groupes (unless I forgot some).May 16 2004 07:53am- Student.


To enter the following cheats go into the console ( by pressing key next to the 1 key )and type helpusobi 1 ( with space between ) and type the following cheats: Unlockable:Howgodgive unlimited health and never goes down when attacked!give allgives everything ( only guns )!setforceall ( number )give you every force ability and the number counts and how many skill points!setsaberall ( number )sets the saber strength, and more!map ( mp name )can warp to different maps in the game! ( single player )saber saber( color )gives sabers, with color you want.playermodel ( name )can be any character you like, if you want boba fett, you type playermodel bobafett!npc spawn ( name )can spawn any charchter you like! Download iqro 1 jpeg converter.

Jedi Academy Map List

Example: npc spawn jedi ) which sspawns jedis! Press shift then type in helpusobi 1 press enter then type god. U wil b invinsible. If you want all weapons type give all. If u want 2 red sabers type saber sith saber sith saber. If u want 2 swords that are like sabers type saber sithsword sithsword. Theseare ssooo powerfulif uhit someone theyle go flying i beat tavion with 2 hits with these(tavions the big bad boss dudett that u fight at the end of the game.if u pick the light side u fight her then ragnos, if u pick dark side then u fight her than kyle.

Star Wars Jedi Academy Multiplayer Console Commands

This trick only works in single player mode. Use thealternate attack with the rocket launcher and make sure the targetingsystem completes its circle. Enable the cgdraw2d 0 code.Every missile you launch will go to that NPC until the model disappears,even when the NPC is dead. If the model goes away, the missileswill go crazy and fly in the direction that they choose.Published strategy guidesSaved game file: by MasterLTyranusTrainer: +4 demo version by PiZZATrainer: +8 demo version by DementiaTrainer: +4 v1.0 b PiZZA. This trick only works in single player mode. Use thealternate attack with the rocket launcher and make sure the targetingsystem completes its circle.

Enable the cgdraw2d 0 code.Every missile you launch will go to that NPC until the model disappears,even when the NPC is dead. If the model goes away, the missileswill go crazy and fly in the direction that they choose.Published strategy guidesSaved game file: by MasterLTyranusTrainer: +4 demo version by PiZZATrainer: +8 demo version by DementiaTrainer: +4 v1.0 b PiZZA.